lundi 8 avril 2013

Sous les doigts de...Barbara Anthoine

 Carnaval vénitien.Oiseau en cage

 " A Annecy, nous avons notre carnaval vénitien lequel se déroule chaque année dans notre belle ville. Annecy est située en bordure d'un lac magnifique lequel est entouré de montagnes.Un endroit de rêve qui rappelle Venise.Chaque année, je prends plusieurs belles  photos afin de les retravailler par la suite.

est là pour nous rappeler que tout ne doit pas absolument être fait dans un but précis dans notre vie...vivre de façon détendue, prendre soin de ses sentiments et être en harmonie avec son propre ressenti, c'est une façon d "être" et qui n'a pas besoin de se trouver des justifications..
Venir au monde est la meilleure raison qui soit d'exister, nul n'est besoin de justifier en permanence son existence..;)

Catfairy remind us that not everything needs to be done for a specific purpose ... to live and relax, take care of our feelings and be in tune with them is also a way of being that need not to be justified...
Coming into the world is the best reason ever to exist, no need to have to permanently justify our living


What's your name,' Coraline asked the cat. 'Look, I'm Coraline. Okay?'
"Cats don't have names," it said.
"No?" said Coraline.
"No," said the cat. "Now you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don't need names."
― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

"Curiosity killed the cat," Fesgao remarked, his dark eyes unreadable.
Aly rolled her eyes. Why did everyone say that to her? "People always forget the rest of the saying," she complained. "And satisfaction brought it back."
― Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Choice

 Stars around me.

All the people that gravitate around us are like stars playing around our inner kingdom..surrounding ourself with like-minded souls that genuinely support our true being is one key... ;-)
Well, it's one of mine at least...!


  La dame du lac
In this picture you can see on the background a small part of the lake of Annecy, with the beautiful moutains that surrounded it.. As well as an extraordinary landscape, it also takes pride in being one of the cleanest and purest lakes in the world. ^_^
It's obviously a magical place that inspires my art and my life...;)

 Venitian carnival
Annecy has been called the Alpine Venetia since a long time, with its canals crossing the historic town. This nickname takes its full sense during the 2 days of the Carnival.
At the end of February, several hundreds of masks roam slowly and freely in the streets of the Old Town, pose, parade and group together on the catwalks.

No one knows who's hiding behind these masks and these splendid and mysterious costumes that perfectly match with the colour of town's walls.
Hundreds of photographers are here to get the best picture

When the moon and sun blend their ballet and give birth to dawn,
the shimmering lady who haunts the woods of stars illuminated,
sneaks through the millennia trees, cracking oak bark on her silky way...

Lorsque la lune et le soleil croisent leur ballet et laissent naitre l'aube,
la scintillante demoiselle qui

hante les bois enluminés
se faufile parmi les arbres millénaires, faisant craquer l'écorce des chênes sur son passage silencieux... 



Doing what you love is thecornerstone of having abundance in your life.

- Wayne Dyer

Cornucopia, also called Horn Of Plenty, decorative motif, dating from ancient Greece, that symbolizes abundance. The motif originated as a curved goat/s horn filled to overflowing with fruit and grain. It is emblematic of the horn possessed by Zeus/s nurse, the Greek nymph Amalthaea, which could be filled with whatever the owner wished. (Encyclopaedia Britannica on line)

Barbara Oreya

Ne manquez pas de visiter les pages de l'artiste, elle a encore de beaux rêves à partager avec vous. j'ai gardé les commentaires originaux, pour les visiteurs  qui ne parlent pas le français.

3 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour! Brésil, Avril 8, 2013
    Visite d'amis a trouvé le lien vers votre blog et appris à connaître.
    Edtou ravis de contenu, les images belle, belle après, je suis déjà à vous suivre.
    Profitez de cette occasion pour vous inviter à connaître mon blog, j'espère que vous apprécierez.

    1. Bienvenue à vous Celia Maria..merci de votre visite et de vos ne manquerai pas de passer sur votre site...

  2. Un grand merci pour cette mise à l'honneur Danielle ! Magnifique blog, on sent l'âme d'une passionnée..! ^_^
    Barbara (Orenya) Anthoine
